IEEE NANO 2016 Time Table (Program)
Now it is possible to participate only in the tutorials without the main conference.
You can register Tutorial session with the early registration price
if you register by sending the e-mail below.
Please write the title:"Tutorial registration"
In the e-mail, tell us your full name and affiliation.
The Brain and the Computer Revisited Once Again
Organizers: Prof. Valeriu Beiu (UAV, Faculties of Exact Sciences & Engineering, Arad, Romania)
Prof. Simon R. Cowell (UAEU, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Al Ain, UAE)
This tutorial is following on von Neumann’s prescient “The Computer and the Brain” by presenting very fresh results about the way the Brain computes. The tale is reversed, i.e., we shall start from the Brain, and rely on the latest discoveries, for getting a better understanding of what is essential from biology such as to achieve highly reliable and ultra-low power nano-computing (i.e., similar to what the Brain is doing). We will shed light on the elementary nano-devices of the Brain and on how to decipher their layered architecture for information processing and communication. These will require covering some ground, parts of which are still being explored—implicitly charting directions for research for the computing and the VLSI/nano communities.
The introduction will introduce the gated ion channels and the ways they communicate. The first part will reveal the statistical behaviors of arrays of gated ion channels, presenting unexpected results on the outstandingly high reliability achievable by arrays of absolutely random devices. The second part will touch upon the ultra-low power consumption where we shall stress the crucial role played by hydrated ions and ion pumps. We shall go on to explain the similarities between interweaving arrays of ion channels and distributed amplification, and make the case for the classical Kirchhoff current law adapted to active (i.e., amplified and constrained) electrodiffusion. Finally, in the third part—besides glial cells and synapses—the computation power and learning capabilities of columnar structures seen as large fan-in cyclic circuits will be discussed.
From all the information conveyed, computational models which allow to draw parallels between the Brain and our present-day computers will be extracted, exposing the reasons why our current silicon-based approaches are falling short of doing what the Brain does, and concluding with a call-to-arms for both the computing and the VLSI/nano communities.
Nano Manipulation and Fabrication for Green Applications
Organizer: Prof. Zhan Yang (Soochow University, China)
The main purpose of this tutorial is to discuss the future green application of nano manipulation and fabrication. In order to decrease the energy and material cost of human society,the devices and the devices fabrication process should be designed for low cost. Nanofabrication is a fundamental field, which constructs nanostructures and nanodevices through controlling the atomic or molecular. Nanofabrication is a fundamental field, which constructs nanostructures and nanodevices through controlling the atomic or molecular. Nanofabrication and Assembly of nanodevice with applications on sensor and actuator are fundamental and frontier work for nanotechnology. A nanofabrication method by mechanical engineering is nanorobotic manipulation which has advantages such as real-time controllability, nanometer lever positioning resolution, and three dimensional fabrications. The automation nanofabrication has a potential for auto nanostructure assembly fabrication and measurement. Nano-manipulation allows for the detection and manipulation of tiny entities such as single molecules, nanotubes, cells, viruses, proteins, and DNA molecules.In resent two decades, nanorobotic manipulation was developing rapidly. Nanorobotic manipulation was applied to atomic force microscope, scanning electron microscope, transmission electron microscope towards to nanomanufacture nanoassembly and nanofabrication.In this tutorial/workshop we will discuss the how to cut energy cost on nanofabrication in cleanrooms by nan sensor arrary and control systems, the bio-manipulation and bio-device fabrication for cancer cell detection and electrons applicaons, nano helix robots for human surgery and oil collection in water, and nanoscale 3D print for metallic device and blocks, laser manipulation of CNT and electron beam fabrication for CNT-FINFET and micro-nano device for energy harvesting.
List of topics: Nanorobotic manipulation, Cleanrooms energy conservation, Bio-manipulation, CNT-FET fabrication, Cancer detection, Laser manipulation in SEM, Energy harvesting
Hands-on tutorial: Multiscale atomistic simulations with Atomistix Toolkit and Virtual NanoLab
Organizer: Shinji Usui (QuantumWise Japan KK)
Atomistix ToolKit (ATK) is a Nano-device simulator with unique functionality based on atomic-scale modeling, which can replace/complement current TCAD device simulators that use a continuum description. This is a hands-on tutorial and you can experience all the advanced software features which enable realistic simulations of nanoscale transistor structures.
- Overview of AtomistiX ToolKit and Virtual NanoLab
- Exercise 1: MoS2 vibrational modes with ATK-Classical and ATK-DFT
- Exercise 2: Transport properties of graphene nanoribbons
- Exercise 3: Suggest your own system and calculation!

List of Topics: First principles simulation, device simulator, Density Functional Method, Electron transport simulation
More information
- By attending the workshop, you will get a 3 month trial license unlocking the full functionality of ATK & VNL.
- Please bring your own laptop for the workshop. We will help you install the software and use it for the hands-on part. ATK is available for Windows (7 and above), Mac (10.10 and above), and Linux, so chances are very good the software will work on your machine, but you may want to check the system requirements beforehand; click here for details.
- For the last part of the tutorial, you can propose a system of your own interest, and the skilled staff of QuantumWise will give you hints on how to simulate it using the trial license.
- This tutorial starts at 9:30 and the venue will be meeting room 1 (or 2, not fixed). Please look for the sign on the front of the room.
- QuantumWise is looking forward to meeting you on 22nd August to explore the state-of-the-art of atomistic simulations for nanodevices!
About QuantumWise:
QuantumWise develops commercial software for fast and reliable atomic-scale modeling of nanostructures, fully supported and delivered in an easy-to-use interface, tailored from state-of-the-art methods, and developed by experts to the specifications of our customers. QuantumWise software solutions are used by over 300 leading companies, government labs and universities around the world to enhance R&D; capabilities in a wide range of application areas. ( ,
Fundamentals of Energy Informatics through computational sciences
Organizer:Prof. Itaru Honma, (Tohoku University, Japan)
The main purpose of this tutorial is to provide the fundamentals of energy informatics through computer science, such as high energy density cathode materials for lithium ion batteries (LIB), non Pt electrodes of fuel cells, high ion conducting electrolytes for all solid state LIB and high density hydrogen storage compounds. According to a recent emerging progress of artificial intelligence by mass computing, more precise design of these functional energy materials becomes realistic and helps experimentalists for rapid outputs on the practical developments. Advanced computing approaches will be on the lecturers.
List of topics: Graphene, Materials Informatics, Computer simulation, Artificial Intelligence, Lithium ion battery, fuel cells, solar cells, Capacitor, Hydrogen storage, Interface Science, Nanoscience, Nanotechnology, Nanomaterials, Energy Conversion Devices
Presentation titles and speakers:
- Applying the electric field on electrodes and in electrolytes for the first-principles electrochemical-cell simulations
Prof. Tamio Ikeshouji, Tohoku University, Japan - Molecular dynamics simulations for the transport phenomena in polymer electrolyte fuel cell
Prof. Takashi Tokumasu, Tohoku University, Japan - Application of maximally-localized Wannier orbitals to ferroelectric materials
Dr. Shoji Ishibashi, AIST, Japan

Fig. Structural modeling of electrode interfaces
Luncheon Seminar
If you would like to participate Luncheon Seminar, print out the form, fill out and bring the form ready to submit to the conference reception desk on Aug 23rd.
Luncheon seminars will be held by sponsor companies.
You can get free lunch box, meet advanced R&D; activities of Japanese technology-leading companies, and more!
Our efforts on development of new products in Central Glass
August 23, 2016
By Central Glass Co., Ltd.
Central Glass was founded in 1936 with the aim of manufacturing and selling soda products. With subsequent changes in its business structure, including launching into glass business and expansion of fine chemicals business, we have established the solid business base by covering both “Commodities & Fine” and “Glass & Chemicals”.
In the fine chemicals business, we use hydrogen fluoride, which is synthesized from fluorite (CaF2), as well as high purity fluorine obtained by electrolysis of hydrogen fluoride to manufacture various organic and inorganic fluorine-based fine chemical products. Based on this kind of consistent in-house production system, from raw materials to finished products, we can provide a stable supply of high quality products to our customers. Central Glass supports a wide range of requirements in the electronics, pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, and other industries. We are also committed to developing our fluorine fine chemical products and to the development of new products to meet new requirements.
In this seminar, we would like to give a presentation about our main products and new products which we developed as a fine chemical. We are looking forward to being able to meet with you.
Tokyo Electron’s Latest Researches and Future Business
Speaker: Shigetoshi Hosaka (Corporate Advisor)
Tatsuya Nagakubo (Corporate Director)
August 25, 2016
By Tokyo Electron Limited
Since the invention of the transistor in 1947, the technological advancements in the semiconductor industry have been remarkable. Over the past five decades, the size of semiconductors has significantly shrunken as Moore’s law projected, which enabled to advance the society from various aspects such as digital and electric appliances, automobiles, and public infrastructures. In the fast-growing industry environment, Tokyo Electron has always strived to pursue cutting-edge technologies since the company’s establishment in 1963. Today, our nanotechnology-enabled products including thermal processing systems, plasma etch systems, and coater/developers proudly support the world’s semiconductor production. With the arrival of the age of the Internet of Things (IoT) where more and more things are connected via the Internet, we believe that the demand for semiconductors will greatly increase in a wide variety of fields.
The purpose of this seminar is to introduce our current industry-leading researches and future perspective of our business in the upcoming IoT era. The speech will include semiconductor technology trends and the topics related to several advanced technologies developments and fundamental equipment technologies.
Tickets will be distributed at the registration desk.
Number of the ticket is limited to 300 for each seminar, so please don't forget to get the ticket!
We welcome you and look forward to seeing you.
* If there are less than 300 attendees, additional attendees will be
accepted without tickets.
* Even if all tickets are distributed, additional attendees (without
free lunch) will be accepted.
* Please provide your name, affiliation, and e-mail address
on attending the luncheon seminars.
Lab. Tour
Sendai International center (12:00)---*Fukushima Renewable Energy Institute, AIST (FREA)(14:00~16:00)-----Sendai International center (18:00)
*AIST(National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology) established the Fukushima Renewable Energy Institute in Koriyama, Fukushima Prefecture in April 2014, to promote R&D; into renewable energy. The Fukushima Renewable Energy Institute, AIST (FREA) has two basic missions: The promotion of R&D; into renewable energy, which is open to the world; and to make a contribution to industrial clusters and reconstruction. The new institute was established as a novel research base to develop innovative technologies in collaboration with domestic and international partners.
Date: August 22(Mon)
Fee: JPY 5,000/per person
Minimum number of participants required 10 person
Maximum number of participants required 40 person
Meal conditions: No meal service is included
Note: All tour are offered with an English and Japanese speaking guide.
Click here for Lab. Tour REGISTRATION
Special Lecture on TNANO
Meet the Editor-in-Chief
Fabrizio Lombardi
Northeastern University, Boston, MA, 02115, USA
12:20-12:50, August 24th (Wed), Room 4
Dr. Lombardi will present, discuss and answer enquires related to IEEE TNANO; in particular, he will outline the planned Special Issue of NANO 2016 and its publication schedule.
Statistics, best practices and expectations will be covered, so that contributors to NANO 2016 can plan a submission of the extended version of their manuscript for consideration for possible publication in IEEE TNANO.
Potential authors are kindly invited to this informative lecture such that all aspects of the different steps (submission, review, decision) of IEEE TNANO and its selective peer-reviewed operations can be highlighted and addressed to facilitate manuscript submission.
Cultural Programs
During the conference, we will provide "Cultural Experiencing Program"
on Au 23 (Tue).
Two cultural experiencing events for free of charge.
For more details, please check the flyer. Cultural Programs.